Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact:

108, Leigus Road, Wallingford, CT 06492, Connecticut, United States

Send your email to Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

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Communicate with Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact on the Helpline Number:

+1 (800) 922-4670 (Call by Touch)

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What is Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact?

Anthem Health Plans, Incorporation operation under the name “the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield” is a health insurance services providing organization based in the United States. It is abbreviated as ABCBS and came into existence in the year 1944. It was established through a joint venture of approximately 38 different health insurance organization and companies based in the United States.

It offers an extensive range of insurance products to serve countless individuals, large employer groups, and small business customers. The plans offered by the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (ABCBS) include different imaginative and moderately priced health care management and health care coverage products and services. The health insurance plans of the organization are provided through Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) and Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) to the individuals, large employer groups, and small business customers residing across numerous counties including, Colorado, Nevada, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, and numerous others across the nation.

The association is a free licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association and operates an extensive system of qualified doctors specialists and hospitals to provide the the most noteworthy standard of services to upgrade the wellbeing of the community it serve. The Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (ABCBS) is a branch of the “WellPoint, Incorporation”, the biggest income driven and managed health care organization in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

The head office of the organization is situated in Indianapolis in the United States. It additionally offers different projects and relevant information to help oversee different perpetual wellbeing conditions. The various services offered by the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (ABCBS) include, Dental scope, Pharmacy benefits, and Life insurance services.

Contact Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact

Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact resides at 108, Leigus Road, Wallingford, CT 06492, Connecticut, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 (800) 922-4670 by which customers can reach to Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact.
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Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Contact Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service

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