Find Official Address of Dr Scholls:
Bayer HealthCare LLC Attn: Consumer Relations 100 Bayer Boulevard Whippany, NJ 07981-0915 London, EnglandSend your email to Dr Scholls at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Dr Scholls: Communicate with Dr Scholls through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Dr Scholls on the Helpline Number:
1-866-360-3226 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Dr Scholls on the specified contact number.
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What is Dr Scholls?
Dr Scholls one of the best every and leading brand of foot care and footwear, that was early owned by the famous British Seton Scholl London International organization one of the health care association in United Kingdom and it is a part of the production of consumer goods commonly known as Reckitt Benckiser. The Dr. Scholl's came into existence by the personality who has born in the year 1882 and the Dr. Scholl's was emerged by Willam M Schooll in Chicago in the year 1906, when he has opened a small medium shop in London in the year 1913, when his grandfather was a cobbler as well as a farmer and he started his profession as a boy when he started to repair shoes to earn more and more.
The association's legitimate center of operation is based at London England, in the year 1971 Dr Scholl's has served its output near about 1000 foot care products and became a member of Fortune 500, and the served area is global as from the side of North America it is known as Merck & Co or Brown Shoe Company and the rest as Reckitt Benckiser.
Social Media Links Of Dr Scholl's
The social media Links let users to be updated by bringing them all kind of information about the organization and information about the company, products, services, events, upcoming events and much more. Besides this, the links provide them a platform to share and exchange the views and information with the company.
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