Find Official Address of Iroquois Park Whitby Contact:
500 Victoria Street West, Whitby, Ontario L1N 9G4, CanadaSend your email to Iroquois Park Whitby Contact at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Iroquois Park Whitby Contact:
Communicate with Iroquois Park Whitby Contact through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Iroquois Park Whitby Contact on the Helpline Number:
+1 905-668-7765 / 905.430.4345 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Iroquois Park Whitby Contact on the specified contact number.
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Iroquois Park Whitby Contact are invalid.
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What is Iroquois Park Whitby Contact?
Iroquois Park Sports Center is a multi-purpose sports complex. It is the largest municipally owned and operated recreation facility of Canada surrounded by the fifty-acres of parkland. Iroquois Park Sports Center is vid by more than two-million visitors annually and the sports center remains open throughout the week from 8:30 a.m to 8:30 p.m.
Iroquois Park Whitby Center Facilities
The Iroquois Sports Center offers large number of facilities to the people including six arenas including large stadium arena, children’s playground, deep water swimming pool and wading pool, six illuminated tennis courts, Three lit tournament quality baseball diamonds equipped with spectator seating, illuminated soccer field, training center, licensed restaurant with a seating capacity of more than four-hundred seats and food court area, full service pro shop, parking facility with a capacity to accommodate more than seven-hundred vehicles, banquet and meeting Rooms and Administration office.
Contact Information Of Iroquois Park Whitby
The officials of
Iroquois Park Whitby are the expert team of
Iroquois Park Whitby who has full information about the different programs and services of the organization. The organization is a well known subsidiary that offers various facilities. One who is interested to know about the services need to call to the officials by using the numbers given below. The officials is always here to help their customers to solve their all unsolved queries:
Services | Telephone Numbers |
Animal Control Services | 905.655.0283 |
By-law Services Whitby | 905.430.4345 |
Election Services | 905.430.4315 |
Human Resources | 905.430.4313 |
Licencing Services | 905.430.4315 |
Engineering Services | 905.430.4307 |
Purchasing Services | 905.668.5803 x2348 |
Tax Services | 905.430.4304 |
Parking Services Whitby | 905.430.4300 x2292 |
Contact Iroquois Park Whitby Contact
Iroquois Park Whitby Contact resides at 500 Victoria Street West, Whitby, Ontario L1N 9G4, Canada provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 905-668-7765 / 905.430.4345 by which customers can reach to Iroquois Park Whitby Contact easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Iroquois Park Whitby Contact.
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