Find Official Address of Itunes:
1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California 95014, United StatesSend your email to Itunes at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Itunes:
Communicate with Itunes through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Itunes on the Helpline Number:
+1 408-996-1010, 800-275-2273 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Itunes on the specified contact number.
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What is Itunes?
Itunes is an application developed by Apple Inc. an American multinational company deals in computer hardware and software. It is a media player application used to download, organize and play high quality audio and video on computer having Microsoft windows operating system and Mac OS X system. These applications are also run on Ipod Touch, iPhone, and iPad.
About iTunes
Itunes is developed by Bill Kincaid as 'SoundJam MP' and changed into iTunes in 2000, when Apple purchased it. Generally iTunes is used to handle audio data on Iphone and other apple devices. This application helps to arrange the music into playlists, and also allows users to edit information, copy files, Buy music and videos through inbuilt music store. Itune is also used to back up songs, encode music and many other related things. Itunes was first released on January 9, 2001, and soon it became available in 23 languages. Itunes come in various versions, and iTunes 11 is the most recent version of iTunes. In 2010 a new feature has added to itunes for giving the Benefits of social networking to the users, i Tunes Ping. Many popular tracks and videos by the artist across the world are available on itunes.
About Apple Inc.
Itunes was introduced by Apple Inc., that is the United States based corporation of Computer Hardware, Software, Consumer Electronics and Digital Distribution. Apple Inc., was staretd with the efforts of Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne on 1st of April 1976 in the United States. It provides services for different products through Apple Store, Apple Store online, Mac App Store, iOS App Store, i-Tunes Store, i-Books and i-Cloud. The OS and software brands of the company are, OS X and iOS, Safari Internet browser, and suits like iLife and iWork.
Apple iTunes Headquarters Address:
Apple iTunes has its headquarters address at 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California 95014, United States.
iTunes Customer Service Numbers:
The customers can also received support service for iTunes by calling at
+1 408-996-1010 and
Web of Apple iTunes:
The company launched its official for the customers to guide them regarding its products and services and also provides option to download relevant software.