Find Official Address of Kmart Bloomingdale:
156 Gary Avenue, Bloomingdale, IL 60108, United StatesSend your email to Kmart Bloomingdale at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Kmart Bloomingdale:
Communicate with Kmart Bloomingdale through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Kmart Bloomingdale on the Helpline Number:
+1 630-307-0260 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Kmart Bloomingdale on the specified contact number.
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Kmart Bloomingdale are invalid.
Know More from their Website: Open website and get all required information from there.
What is Kmart Bloomingdale?
Kmart in Bloomingdale is one of the chain of Kmart discount department stores in Illinois state. Kmart operates as a subsidiary of Sears Holdings Corporation which is a multinational leading retail company. Kmart is the chain of over 1,221 discount department stores which are located in over 49 U.S. states. It was started as SS Kresge Corporation in Detroit, Michigan, USA in 1899 and changed its name to Kmart Corporation in 1977.
Kmart Products
All Kmart stores sells a huge selection of apparel, jewellery, housewares, tools, electronics, toys, furniture, bedding, health and beauty products, watches, baby products, small home and kitchen appliances. In addition to Kmart, the company operates its retail chain under the brand name of Big Kmart, Kmart Super Center and KDollar. The company has also a gas station chain known as "Kmart Express".
Contact Address of Kmart in Bloomingdale:
Kamrt Bloomingdale is situated in 156 Gary Avenue, Bloomingdale, IL 60108, United States.
Phone Number of Kmart Bloomingdale:
+1 630-307-0260 To get any information related to products and services of Kmart in Bloomingdale, contact on the given number.
Kmart Bloomingdale Store Hours:
Monday through Sunday: 08:00am to 10:00pm.
Kmart Corporate Office Contact Information:
Corporate office of Kmart is located on 3333 Beverly Rd. Hoffman Estates IL, 60179, United States.
(847) 286-2500 By calling on above mentioned phone number, customer can get all information regarding company’s services, products and scheme.
Kmart Web: To get information regarding company’s products and services, customer can access their official mentioned above where they can get full information and answers of their queries.
Social Networking Links of Kmart:
Kmart has presence in many social networking s to interact with the users. The company has created pages on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram.
Kmart on Facebook:
Kmart on Linkedin:
Kmart on Twitter:
Kmart on YouTube:
Kmart on Google+:
Kmart on Pinterest:
Kmart on Instagram: