Find Official Address of LIC:
4th Floor, West Wing, Yogakshema, P B No 19953, Jeevan Bhima Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021, Maharashtra, IndiaSend your email to LIC at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to LIC:
Communicate with LIC through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call LIC on the Helpline Number:
+(91)-22-26766221 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call LIC on the specified contact number.
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LIC are invalid.
Know More from their Website: Open website and get all required information from there.
What is LIC?
LIC stands for Life Insurance corporation of India is the prestigious insurance group in India. It came into existence on 1 September 1956 having headquarters in Mumbai. It is the first company in India serving people with life insurance coverage. Lic came into existence when Parliament of India passed Life Insurance of India Act in 1956. Approximately, 245 insurance companies had to merge to create this state owned Life Insurance Corporation. The corporation is meant by board of Directors that follow a Hierarchy that goes from secretary up-to chairman. LIC also working with its few subsidiaries including LIC Housing Finance, LIC Pension Fund Ltd, LIC International, LIC Cards Services, LIC Nomura Mutual Funds etc. The company generally deals in life insurance, health insurance, investment management etc. The company also has launched services for Non Resident Indians through its various NRI centers. The company is also rewarded with numerous awards and recognitions. The Economic Times, rated LIC No. 6 Trusted Service Brand of India. Since 2006, LIC has been winning the Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Award.
LIC Products
There are variety of insurance products offered by LIC such as insurance plans, unit-linked plans, special plans, group schemes and pensions. Life Insurance of India has 8 zonal offices, 113 divisional offices, 2048 branches and approximately 1202 satellite offices. Apart from this, LIC has 54 customer zones and 25 metro area service hubs which are located at different cities and towns of the country. LIC has wide network of 1,337,064 individual agents, 242 Corporate Agents, 79 Referral Agents and 98 Brokers.
LIC headquarters
The headquarters of LIC is located in Mumbai and its complete address is P B No 19953, Jeevan Bhima Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India. The phone number of LIC Headquarters is +(91)-22-22811049, 22824386.
LIC Customer Care Number:
1800221242This is the toll free number for LIC which remains available 24 hours of the day. You can contact customer care number of LIC for complaints and any query and if you have any issues regarding the services and insurance products of LIC.

LIC Fax Number:
22825829The customers can send documents or mails directly through fax at the fax number of LIC, given above.
LIC Emailid: has different email ids for different departments and services, get customer care ids of LIC according to your need on above link.

LIC Webportal:
www.licindia.comLIC gives numerous facilities online through its web-portal where people can access various services such as products information, LIC plans, customer service, etc., so that the customer need not to visit the branch.
LIC Branch Locator: has numerous branches and satellite across the world. You can look for your nearest branch by following this link where you need to enter your city, and you will get the complete details of nearest LIC branch.

LIC Doctor Locator: allows you find LIC registered doctors in your nearby area. The list of these doctors are available on this link.
LIC Corporate Portal: is the corporate portal of LIC where you can get facilities like online insurance, contact sales executive, customer portal and policy registration.
LIC Online Payment: you need to not visit the LIC branches to pay monthly installments as LIC gives facility of online payment for which you need registration or can also pay Direct without registration.
LIC Feeback Form you have any suggestions and appreciations regarding Life Insurance Corporation of India you can submit your feedback directly by following above link.
LIC Insurance Policy Buy Online: gives you option to buy insurance policies online using internet. By following above link you can buy directly various insurance policies of LIC.
LIC eTerm is a regular premium non-participating online term Assurance policy that offers financial support to the consumer. You buy this policy online following above link.
LIC New Users Registration you are new users to LIC, you register yourself online with LIC by submitting a form online that is available on above link.

LIC Social Profiles
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