Oklahoma State Trooper Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Oklahoma State Trooper:

1501 S George Nigh Expy McAlester, OK 74501, United States

Send your email to Oklahoma State Trooper at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.

The Email Address to Send Email to Oklahoma State Trooper:


Communicate with Oklahoma State Trooper through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.

Call Oklahoma State Trooper on the Helpline Number:

+1 (918) 423-3621 / (405) 425-2424 / +1 405-636-0432 (Call by Touch)

Pick up your phone and call Oklahoma State Trooper on the specified contact number.

Let Us Know HERE if the provided contact numbers, email address or website of Oklahoma State Trooper are invalid.

Know More from their Website:


Open www.ohptroopers.com website and get all required information from there.

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What is Oklahoma State Trooper?

The Oklahoma State Trooper helps in highway patrolling. It was established on May 3, 1974 for the protection of the public in the United States. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) division appoints state trooper which provides 24 hours safety by highway patrol. The special operations are done by the State Trooper is: provides safety, solving disputes and criminal cases etc. It is also divided in many divisions such as field troops, aircraft, capital patrol and many more.

Know More About Oklahoma State Trooper

Oklahoma Highway Patrol, as the leading and innovative department of highway patrolling, it offers all the valuable and desirable services and assistance related to the stuffs of highway, and the people of Oklahoma get on time assistance and service on highway. As the leading part of Public Safety department that led the highway patrolling to assist and work under the leadership of public safety association, highway patrolling was commenced taking the view into concentration that the immense grown of automobile collisions and development the activities of criminals and much more related highway queries.

Some Important Contact Numbers And Locations of Oklahoma State Trooper

The leading highway patrolling department in United States, has presented the important contacts and locations so that the customers can get the important information about the federal institution and about the services and assistance provided by the Oklahoma State Trooper.

The citizens form the region of Blvd Ardmorecan get all the essential information about the highway patrolling department by contacting below mentioned address and contact number:
Public Safety-Highway Patrol
2001 Veterans Blvd #2A, Ardmore, OK 73401, United States
Phone: +1 580-223-8800

The people belonging form the region of Clinton, they can get information by contacting mentioned address and phone number
Oklahoma Patrol
2225 W Gary Blvd, Clinton, OK 73601, United States
Phone: +1 580-323-2424

Citizens residing form S Olie Ave Oklahoma can contact the below mentioned address and contact number
Oklahoma Troopers Association
8801 S Olie Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139, United States
Phone: +1 405-636-0432

Social Media Links of Oklahoma State Trooper

Facebook link of Oklahoma State Trooper

Twitter link of Oklahoma State Trooper

Contact Oklahoma State Trooper

Oklahoma State Trooper resides at 1501 S George Nigh Expy McAlester, OK 74501, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 (918) 423-3621 / (405) 425-2424 / +1 405-636-0432 by which customers can reach to Oklahoma State Trooper easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Oklahoma State Trooper. you can contact them by their email address dpsinfooffice@dps.state.ok.us.
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Go to Oklahoma State Trooper website that is www.ohptroopers.com and get more information from there.

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Oklahoma State Trooper Phone Number, Contact Address, Customer Service