Find Official Address of Optus:
P.O Box No: 306, Salisbury South, SA 5106, AustraliaSend your email to Optus at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Optus:
Communicate with Optus through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Optus on the Helpline Number:
+61-2-8082-5678 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Optus on the specified contact number.
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Optus are invalid.
Know More from their Website: Open website and get all required information from there.
What is Optus?
Optus is one of the most preferred telecommunication companies situated in Australia. Generally, Optus is doing business as Singtel Optus Pty Limited. The company together with its divisions offers telecommunication services to wholesale, individual, small and medium Size business and corporate customers in the country. SingTel Optus Pty Limited has very strong infrastructural National Network. It also offers wide range of broadband, dial-up internet and wireless services through its OptusNet division. The company provides services directly to customers as well as also manage its services as wholesaler to other service providers.
Optus Operations
SingTel Optus Pty Limited was introduced in the year of 1981 under the name Aussat Pty Limited. With the passage of time, the company changed its name to Optus Communicatioins Pty Limited. Again, it was renamed as Cable and Wireless Optus Pty Limited. The company also owns and operates various telecommunication brands such as Virgin Mobile, Uecomm and Alphawest. All these Three brands are belong to different sectors of the market. It provides telecommunication services such as fixed telephony, internet access, business network, local telephony, Mobile telephony, national and long distance services and satellite services, as well as also offers cable television, data transmission, leased lines, integrated telecommunications and information technology services.
Headquarters of Optus:
P.O Box No: 306, Salisbury South, South Australia 5106, Australia. The corporate head office of the company is located at given address.
Contact Numbers of Optus:
+61-2-8082-5678 People can get information related to the company's products and services through given number.
1800 123 124 and 1800 500 002 are toll free numbers of the Optus Company for complaints and compliments.
1800 780 219 is available for sales lease call.
1300302790 and +61 2 8986 3262 are available for general enquiries.
1300 300 332 for Data, Voice, Cloud and Mobile Services
1300 300 802 for IT managed services.
134 315 for customer operations and billing.
Operating Hours of Optus:
Customer care representatives of Optus are available from Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday at 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Web of Optus: To get information related to offers, discounts, products and services, customers can log on to mentioned web portal.
Social Networking Links of Optus:
Optus is present on various social networking links like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest and Instagram.
Optus on Facebook
Optus on Twitter
Optus on Youtube
Optus on Linkedin
Optus on Pinterest
Optus on Instagram
Optus Online Services: Optus provides various services through online system, customers can register their account. Through login online account, customers can get facilities of Optus rewards, webmail, member services, etc.