Find Official Address of Pizza Pizza Barrie:
410, Essa Road, Barrie, ON-L4N9J7, Ontario, Canada..Send your email to Pizza Pizza Barrie at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Pizza Pizza Barrie: Communicate with Pizza Pizza Barrie through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Pizza Pizza Barrie on the Helpline Number:
+1-416-967-1010, +1-705-737-1111 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Pizza Pizza Barrie on the specified contact number.
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What is Pizza Pizza Barrie?
The Pizza Pizza Limited is a franchised Canadian fast-food restaurants company traded publicly through royalty income fund. The company is listed in the Toronto Stock Exchange. The company has opened its outlets in more than six hundred locations in such locations like university campuses and movie theaters. The company is well known to open their exclusive outlets in over 150 non-traditional locations. It offers many of variants in pizza and pastas and it also produces wings and many more food items. The chief visionary of the company is Michael Arthur Overs who setup this company in 1967. Furthermore, it provides multi-sized pizzas under Pizza Pizza and Pizza brand names.
Head Office of Pizza Pizza Barrie
The customers who wants to know more about the corporation of Pizza Pizza Barrie visit or dial the below address which includes as:
Pizza Pizza Limited
500 Kipling Avenue.
Toronto, ON
M8Z 5E5
Corporate Contacts:
416-967-1010Contacts of Investor Relations
Daniel Torchia:
Torchia Communications
416-341-9929 ext 223 Cell:
416-275-2151 Fax:
(416) 341-0129 Email:
daniel@torchiacom.comCorporate Career Link of Pizza Pizza Barrie
The corporate career link is meant for the jobs which are offered within the corporation includes as: Career Link of Pizza Pizza Barrie
The customers can also apply for the jobs which are offered by the Pizza Pizza Barrie within their restaurants on the below mentioned link: Media Networking Web Links of Pizza Pizza Barrie
Pizza Pizza Barrie on Facebook
Pizza Pizza Barrie on Twitter
Contact Pizza Pizza Barrie
Pizza Pizza Barrie resides at 410, Essa Road, Barrie, ON-L4N9J7, Ontario, Canada.. provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1-416-967-1010, +1-705-737-1111 by which customers can reach to Pizza Pizza Barrie easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Pizza Pizza Barrie. you can contact them by their email address
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Go to Pizza Pizza Barrie website that is and get more information from there.
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