Rcn New Jersey Contact Customer Service Number

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Find Official Address of Rcn New Jersey Contact:

105 Carnegie Center Dr Princeton, NJ, United States

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Call Rcn New Jersey Contact on the Helpline Number:

+1 609-452-8197, +1 609-734-3700 (Call by Touch)

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What is Rcn New Jersey Contact?

RNC Corporations known as Residential Communication Network, which is a private telecommunication company which was founded in the year 1993. The company was founded by two developers that is David McCourt and Peter Kiewit Sons' Inc. The headquarters of the company is situated in Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America. The owners of the company are ABRY Partners. The company offer the services to the customers over its personal fiber-optics local network.

The services in which the company deals are Digital Television, High Speed Internet and Digital Telephone. The main areas where the company is serving are New York, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago and Pennsylvania. Earlier in the year 2006, the company was having approximately 130 cable franchises and in the year 2013, the total count of customers which were using RNC was 3.8 million which helped it in becoming the tenth largest cable broadband provider in the United States of America.

RNC also purchased the parent company of Pennsylvania's Commonwealth Telephone that is C-TEC. RNC grew in the field of cable TV over-builder and its partnership with many power companies provided it the right-of-way on poles. In the East-Coast of the United States of America, RNC overtook ISR's Erol's Internet, UltraNet Communications, JavaNet and Interport whereas on the West-Coast it overtook ISP's Brainstorm and DNAI. It also purchased the company named 21st Century Telecom in Chicago. In February, 2009, the company started providing high-definition television broadcasting and increased the number of channels with high video quality. This has become possible for the company as it has switched to an all-digital network.

For any other detail or query, visit the official if the Residential Communication Network that is www.rnc.com.

Contact Rcn New Jersey Contact

Rcn New Jersey Contact resides at 105 Carnegie Center Dr Princeton, NJ, United States provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. +1 609-452-8197, +1 609-734-3700 by which customers can reach to Rcn New Jersey Contact easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Rcn New Jersey Contact.
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