Find Official Address of Sobakawa Cloud Pillow:
650 liberty ave, union NJ 07083Send your email to Sobakawa Cloud Pillow at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address.
The Email Address to Send Email to Sobakawa Cloud Pillow: Communicate with Sobakawa Cloud Pillow through the email address displayed above for any query, help, suggestion and feedback.
Call Sobakawa Cloud Pillow on the Helpline Number:
973.826.6500 (Call by Touch) Pick up your phone and call Sobakawa Cloud Pillow on the specified contact number.
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What is Sobakawa Cloud Pillow?
Sobakawa Cloud Pillow is probably More Than a common pillow provides cent percent natural and essential band-aid to the neck and back pain of a user. Sobakawa Cloud pillow is being crafted and modified is such a way that provides Comfort and relaxation plus remain chilly and air-conditioned all the times while the user sleeps, gives more freshness through out the whole day.
There are some special features related to Sobakawa Cloud Pillow like there are almost ten million rosary or beads added in the said pillow in order to give comfort to the neck and back of the user. Another difference is in the Shape formation as the ordinary pillows are flat in shape but the Sobakawa Cloud Pillow is being designed in molded shape that suitably gets adjusted in between neck and shoulders. Sobakawa Cloud pillow does not lose its shape as the ordinary cushions does. While on long drives or sitting continuously may cause low back pain but with the usage of Sobakawa Cloud Pillow the pain get off. Sobakawa Cloud pillow is lightweight product that could be used while doing different exercises like yoga, meditation etc. Another usage of the Sobakawa Cloud Pillow is that it can be easily cooled in freezers of fridges for cooling purpose and after that used to decrease headache and neck pain caused by sitting is same position for hours.
Sobakawa Cloud Pillow Merits
1. Suitable Pillow Shape
2. Cozy
3. Durable
4. Best Size
5. Ergonomic design, etc.
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Contact Sobakawa Cloud Pillow
Sobakawa Cloud Pillow resides at 650 liberty ave, union NJ 07083 provides here all the necessory details like helpDesk helpline numbers i.e. 973.826.6500 by which customers can reach to Sobakawa Cloud Pillow easily. Here on this page you can get customer service toll free helpline number of Sobakawa Cloud Pillow. you can contact them by their email address
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