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What is Videocon D2H Jammu Contact?
Videocon D2h Jammu is the branch location of Videocon D2h that is the leading pay TV service provider firm in India. IT Works as a subsidiary of Videocon group. Videocon is a publicly owned company, engaged with the business of manufacturing, assembling and distribution of consumer electronics and home appliances product. According to 2014 records, the Videocon d2h has More Than eleven million customers around the world. The company broadcast more than five hundred channels that also include high definition channels like sports channels, business channels, entertainment channels, news channels, religious channels and others.
Videocon Company Profile
Videocon Industries Limited company was established by the efforts of Venugopal Dhoot in 1979. The company has seventeen manufacturing plants that are located in Mainland China, Poland, Italy and Mexico countries. The company is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. Videocon company has divided its business into four divisions such as telecommunications and power, crude oil and natural gas, consumer electronics and home appliances.
Videocon d2h Services and Headquarters
Videocon d2h provides broadcast satellite services such as satellite television and interactive television services for customers in India. The company operates business on 4 DVBS, MPEG and two other technology platform. Videocon d2h provides 15 sports channels, 1 3D channel, 21 Active Music Services and 28 Asli "HD" channels. The company received several awards such as 4th most successful brand launch of the year Award, Product of the year Award, Best Search Engine Optimization Campaign and Asia's Most Promising DTH Brand. The company has its headquarters in Mumbai, India.